Transcription Agents

Transcription agents play a crucial role for those of us who are passionate about family history. These dedicated individuals painstakingly transcribe birth, death, and marriage certificates, making them accessible to researchers like you and me.

What’s great is that these transcriptions contain the same essential information as the official certificates but cost at least 30% less.

Transcription agent services in NSW

NSW Family History Transcriptions
Operated by Marilyn Rowan and services include NSW Birth, Death, Marriage Certificate Transcriptions and England & Wales Certificates
You can place orders and find more information at

Turtle Consolidated Services
Operated by Lawrence Turtle and offers NSW, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland as well as document copying for the NSW Archives.

Joy Murrin Family History Service
Operated by Joy Murrin and offers transcripts for NSW, Victoria, England and Wales, Scotland and New Zealand.
You can place orders and find more information at

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