Ghostbuster Magazine

The Ghostbuster magazine is the official journal of the Campbelltown District Family History Society Inc and is published three times each year in March, July and November.

Each publication is designed around a theme or topic.


If you have an article or an item of interest that you wish to submit for inclusion in the journal, please forward it to the Magazine Editor no later that the 20th of January, May or September, as applicable.

Photos submitted of people who cannot be identified will also be accepted for inclusion.

All articles to be kept to a maximum of 750 words, including any images.

Obtaining a Copy

To obtain copies of the Ghostbuster Magazine select the year then the edition from the list below. It will display as a separate PDF file which can be downloaded if required.

If you wish a specific copy of the Ghostbuster magazine and it is not on this list please contact the Magazine Editor

Journals available for download

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